Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1262

Oct. 2, 2020

Deleted and Replaced

  • Section H: Special Contract Requirements
    • Clause H.53 - Paid leave under Section 3610 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) to maintain employees and subcontractors in a ready state reflects a change to update the effective date range and limiting preapproval for paid leave.

  • Section J: List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments*
    • Attachment F, Operating and Administrative Requirements (List B), is deleted and replaced as follows:

      Prime Contract Table
      Action Summary Applicability
      Delete DOE O 350.1 Chg 6 (MinChg)
      Contractor Human Resource Management Programs
      Chapter VIII - Contractor Workplace Substance Abuse Programs CRD
      Chapter IX - Employee Assistance Programs CRD
      Approved: 09/30/96
      Chg 6 (MinChg): 02/01/18

      CRD applicable in whole
      CRD applicable in whole


      DOE O 350.1 Chg 7 (LtdChg)
      Contractor Human Resource Management Programs
      Chapter VIII - Contractor Workplace Substance Abuse Programs CRD
      Chapter IX - Employee Assistance Programs CRD
      Approved: 09/30/96
      Chg 7 (LtdChg): 02/19/20

      CRD applicable in whole
      CRD applicable in whole

       Delete DOE O 522.1 CRD
      Pricing of Departmental Materials and Services
      Approved: 11/03/04

      CRD applicable in whole


      DOE O 522.1A CRD
      Pricing of Departmental Materials and Services
      Approved: 08/02/18

      CRD applicable in part


      DOE O 551.1D Chg 2 (Minor Revision) CRD
      Official Foreign Travel
      Approved: 04/02/12
      Chg 2 (Minor Revision): 08/09/16

      CRD applicable in whole


      DOE O 550.1 Chg 1 (LtdChg) CRD
      Official Travel
      Approved: 05/02/19
      Chg 1 (LtdChg): 12/13/19

      CRD applicable in whole

    • Attachment J, Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan is deleted and replaced as follows:
      Attachment J, Fiscal Year 2020 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan dated Sept. 23, 2020, is deleted and replaced with the Fiscal Year 2021 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan dated Sept. 30, 2020, and is incorporated into this contract by reference.
