i2X Solution e-Xchanges

This webpage provides an overview of the i2X Solution e-Xchanges under the Interconnection Innovation e-Xchange (i2X) Program.

i2X Solution e-Xchanges are a series of meetings split into five key topic areas directed towards stakeholders within the U.S. energy ecosystem. The purpose of these meetings is to collaboratively identify interconnection challenges and to find potential solutions.


i2X Solution e-Xchanges (U.S. Department of Energy)
The primary aim of this webpage is to compile and briefly summarize all complete and upcoming i2X Solution e-Xchanges.

Topics Covered

The i2X Solutions e-Xchanges include the following topic areas:

  • Queue management and cost allocation
  • Grid engineering practices and standards
  • Equity and energy justice
  • Grid data transparency
  • Interconnection workforce and training.

Key Takeaways

The primary purpose of the i2X Solution e-Xchanges, is to inform a strategic road map for interconnection. The meetings are structured to promote collaboration between stakeholders. Following a brief presentation and panel, interactive discussions are facilitated in which the attendees focus on identifying current challenges and gaps within the scope of interconnections, as well as finding possible solutions.

There are four meetings under each of the five key topic areas. Past presentation materials and recordings can be found on this webpage, and information on upcoming Solution e-Xchanges can be found here as well. New materials and meeting information will be included as the dates approach.
