Regulating Voltage: Recommendations for Smart Inverters

The report, Regulating Voltage: Recommendations for Smart Inverters, provides an introduction to voltage regulation concepts.

Technical Report

Regulating Voltage: Recommendations for Smart Inverters (Ric O’Connell, Curt Volkmann, Paul Brucke 2019)
This report from GridLab provides an introduction to voltage regulation concepts, including advantages and disadvantages of various control modes. The authors include lessons learned from studies and demonstration pilots and also provide recommendations for utilities.

Topics Covered

  • Explanations of common terms and voltage regulation concepts
  • Advanced inverter settings for voltage regulation
  • Summary of study and pilot results
  • Best practices and recommendations

Key Takeaways

The paper highlights recommendations for enabling the voltage regulation capabilities specified in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standard 1547-2018.

The authors highlight lessons learned from several studies and demonstration pilots in Hawaii, California, and Arizona.
