Hydrogen and Fuel Cells News
Explore our archive of hydrogen and fuel cells news stories.
Dec. 9, 2014
This opportunity includes two hydrogen- and fuel cell-related topics: in-line quality control devices for polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells, which is a Technology Transfer Opportunity to leverage NREL technology, and fuel cell-battery electric hybrid trucks.
Nov. 12, 2014
Led by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories, the H2FIRST project leverages core capabilities at the national laboratories to address the technology challenges related to hydrogen refueling stations. This presentation will review the objectives, approach, and structure of H2FIRST, as well as provide a progress update on active and proposed technical tasks.
Nov. 3, 2014
The U.S. Department of Energy's Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program has posted the 2014 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Report.
Oct. 23, 2014
Hybrid of research and industry know-how steers NREL transportation RD&D.
Sept. 9, 2014
NREL is sponsoring National Drive Electric Week events in Denver and Boulder this month.
Aug. 15, 2014
This webinar will feature representatives from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and focus on how to integrate hydrogen and fuel cell technologies into the transportation, industrial, and other sectors.
June 27, 2014
At the 2014 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting, the U.S. Department of Energy's Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program honored three National Renewable Energy Laboratory staff for their outstanding achievements.
June 25, 2014
The Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and General Motors (GM) are partnering on a multiyear, multimillion dollar joint effort to accelerate the reduction of automotive fuel cell stack costs through fuel cell material and manufacturing research and development (R&D).
May 23, 2014
The Fuel Cell Technologies Office will present a webinar on NREL’s online data tool for fuel cell system-derived contaminants. NREL has led a multi-year project studying the effect of system-derived contaminants on the performance and durability of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells.
April 30, 2014
A new project led by the Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Sandia National Laboratories will support H2USA, a public-private partnership co-launched by industry and the Energy Department, and will work to ensure that hydrogen fuel cell vehicle owners have a positive fueling experience as fuel cell electric vehicles are introduced starting in 2014–2015. By tackling the technical challenges related to hydrogen fueling infrastructure, the Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure Research and Station Technology (H2FIRST) project is designed to pave the way toward more widespread deployment of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles.
March 24, 2014
As fuel cell cars get ready for the road, industry turns to NREL for help improving cost and reliability.
March 5, 2014
The presentation will highlight NFCTEC efforts to accelerate fuel cell commercialization through analysis of technologies operating under real-world conditions.
Feb. 10, 2014
Scientists at the Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory have demonstrated that just two of six iron-sulfur-containing ferredoxins in a representative species of algae promote electron transfers to and from hydrogenases. The finding suggests ways to increase the production of hydrogen by algae, which could help turn hydrogen into a viable alternative fuel for transportation.
Feb. 3, 2014
A team of NREL analysts identified potential cost-effective scenarios for using small fuel cell power units to increase the range of medium-duty battery electric vehicles.
Jan. 23, 2014
The DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Office has issued a request for information seeking feedback regarding biological hydrogen production R&D pathways, barriers, issues, and opportunities. Feedback is specifically requested on the report for the Biological Hydrogen Production Workshop.
Jan. 8, 2014
Producing hydrogen directly from the sun -- and in a way that is commercially viable -- is more a reality, less a pipedream, thanks in part to a new discovery, renowned hydrogen water-splitting expert John Turner stated in a commentary in the journal Science.