Cohort 3 Innovators (2024–2026)
See innovators in West Gate's third cohort and their proposed technology solutions, and learn how to invest in these cleantech developments.
These innovators are supported by the following U.S. Department of Energy offices:
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office (AMMTO)
Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management
Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office

Learn how Julia Curley is developing a chemical recycling technology that breaks down plastics into their basic components.
Supported by AMMTO and the Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office

See how Simon Julien is optimizing solar output by using machine learning to enhance grid stability and economic performance.
Supported by the Solar Energy Technologies Office

Learn how Heather Platt is advancing sodium-ion battery technology by developing a low-cost cell design for safer, high-performance batteries.
Supported by the Office of Electricity

See how Michael Solomentsev is supporting energy management for data centers by improving the efficiency of power delivery.
Supported by AMMTO and the Office of Science's Advanced Scientific Computing Research

Learn how Reamonn Soto is enhancing the sustainability of wind turbines by monitoring the structural integrity of blades and towers.
Supported by AMMTO

See how Spencer Whitman is utilizing pit lake alkalinity enhancement, a scalable technology that adapts ocean carbon dioxide removal methods, to clean up contaminated mine sites.
Supported by the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management
Last Updated Jan. 30, 2025