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ARIES Annual Report 2024

Advanced Research on Integrated Energy Systems (ARIES) is the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) advanced research platform to validate our future integrated energy system with increasing integration of renewables, storage, and interactive loads at a size and scale that matters.

Robert Horton

Message From External Advisory Board Member

"As a member of the external advisory board for ARIES over the past 4 years and as a leader in an organization that has collaborated closely with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), I am thrilled to witness the evolution of the ARIES research platform. Dallas-Fort Worth Airport is the largest carbon-neutral airport in North America. We have reached a milestone through solid collaboration between NREL and the ARIES research platform, resulting in an 81% reduction in airport emissions from a 2010 baseline.

The collaboration with the NREL team also resulted in the creation of the first operating airport digital twin model that potentially reduces energy consumption and the airport's environmental footprint, creating a win-win-win scenario that benefits the airport, airlines, and surrounding communities. For example, the digital twin project (a first of its kind) demonstrated the potential to reduce 14 million gallons of jet fuel, which equates to approximately $37 million and 135,000 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. This initiative also supports the airport's resiliency strategy to relieve pressure on the grid during critical periods and prepare for increased scarcity events. NREL's diverse team of experts is transforming how ports, transit hubs, communities, and utilities transition to and adopt renewable energy resources."

Robert Horton, Ph.D., P.E.
Vice President of Environmental Affairs & Sustainability Department
Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport

ARIES Vision

The Advanced Research on Integrated Energy Systems vision is to validate a broad range of future energy systems and grid modernization scenarios, helping stakeholders accelerate the implementation of energy technologies needed to meet the U.S Department of Energy's goals for a secure, affordable, and resilient energy system.

Addressing an Urgent National Need

ARIES accelerates the ability to research and validate innovative solutions for large-scale integrated renewable generation, storage, and increasing demand-side loads—essential technologies to realizing our national energy goals.

Developing an At-Scale Research, Development, and Deployment Platform

ARIES is DOE's advanced research platform for energy systems integration research, validation, and demonstration at a scale that reflects the real challenges faced by industry.

De-Risking Energy Systems

ARIES can replicate real-world scenarios of broad clean energy deployment, allowing users to safely demonstrate their best pathways to reaching local and national energy goals.

Distinguishing a National Asset

ARIES crosses multiple energy sectors, scales, and technologies. It joins together physical and virtual energy assets and enables national labs to combine their expertise and capabilities to address complex energy systems integration challenges.

ARIES Framework

Systems-level challenges drive the need for a research platform that can support integrated research, development, and demonstration at scale. ARIES focuses on solving three key challenges by addressing them through our strategic research areas: energy storage, future energy infrastructure, power electronics, cybersecurity, hybrid energy systems, and an emerging research area, industrial energy.

Key Challenges

Variability in the physical size of new energy technologies being added to energy systems
Securely controlling (millions to tens of millions of) interconnected devices
Integrating multiple diverse technologies that have not previously worked together

Research Areas

Energy Storage to balance variable renewable generation and loads

Future energy infrastructure to adapt existing energy infrastructure for safety, monitoring, and controls

Power Electronics to control and integrate rapidly increasing electronics-based technologies

Cybersecurity to secure operations to prevent disruption, damage, and loss of functionality

Hybrid energy systems to achieve enhanced coordinated capabilities beyond isolated technologies

Industrial Energy to optimize energy solutions

2024 Impacts

In 2024, ARIES made significant progress to address the three challenges and advance the platform's strategic research areas by:

Increasing focus on the impact of grid-edge devices (e.g., buildings, vehicle infrastructure, electrolyzers, and communities) for control optimization, cost reduction, and improved performance on the grid.
Addressing utility deployment challenges by using ARIES to validate technology and cybersecurity solutions for battery/hydrogen storage, PV inverters, and operational technology cloud services.
Integrating new technologies (e.g., geothermal hybrid plant, megawatt-scale grid-forming inverters) for grid services and performance.

2024 Numbers at a Glance

multidisciplinary research projects
DOE offices engaged
million in Fiscal Year 2024-funded research
active partners
This chart represents the funding percentages from DOE offices and partners.
Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
Building Technologies Office
Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response
U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management
Federal Energy Management Program
Geothermal Technologies Office
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office
Joint Office of Energy and Transportation
Office of Nuclear Energy
Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Office of Electricity
Office of Strategic Programs
Office of Science
Solar Energy Technologies Office
Vehicle Technologies Office
Wind Energy Technologies Office
Water Power Technologies Office

Learn more about the NREL facilities that make ARIES research possible:

Advanced Computing

Energy Systems Integration Facility

Research Impacts

Integrating New Technologies

geothermal facility

ARIES Launches Digital Twin Environment for Hybrid Geothermal Power Plants

Sponsor: GTO

Researchers are developing a geothermal digital-twin in a real-time simulation environment named Exergetic to study the performance of geothermal hybrid power plants, including their capability to provide grid services, flexibility, and resilience. Through ARIES, the digital twin can be integrated with other power generation and energy storage technologies, as well as the electric grid, to evaluate the dynamic operation and to de-risk commercial deployment of geothermal hybrid systems.

Hybrid Energy Systems
people watching a presentation

ARIES Team Debuts 1-MW Capability for Evaluating Grid-Forming Inverters—The Key to 100% Clean Power

Sponsors: SETO and WETO

Started in 2022 by DOE and midway through a 5-year effort, the Universal Interoperability for Grid-Forming Inverters (UNIFI) Consortium continues to advance the development of grid-forming inverters with a multipronged, multi-institution approach. Among numerous accomplishments and publications, the team established an ARIES 1-megawatt (MW) demonstration platform to study grid-forming inverters, which debuted using inverters from several different manufacturers. The platform is open for vendors to validate operating modes and will help establish uniform requirements for interconnection and interoperability, a key to 100% clean power systems. Learn more about UNIFI's impact and outreach.

Power Electronics
map showing locations of SuperLab experiment participants

SuperLab Showcase: Connecting Five Geographically Dispersed Labs' Assets to Address the Challenges of Hybrid Energy Systems and Grid Complexity

Sponsors: OE, SC, FECM

The latest SuperLab experiment demonstrated how both current and future energy resources can seamlessly work together in a balanced energy system, representing power systems of today and the near future. The experiment combined 25 assets from 5 national laboratories—including renewable generation, storage, grid-edge resources, a gas turbine, and a nuclear small module reactor simulator—to determine how this plausible part-renewable system would fare during a major system fault. The demo was successful, furthering confidence in DOE's unique capability to run remote experiments centered at ARIES.

Energy Storage
Hybrid Energy Systems
Future Energy Infrastructure

Impact of Gridge-Edge Devices

presenter showing data on video screens

High-Power Vehicle Charging Hub Debuts With Open-Source Charge Management System

Sponsor: VTO

In the NREL-led, multi-lab project High-Power Electric Vehicle Charging Hub Integration Platform (eCHIP), researchers used new ARIES hardware to establish a hub for high-power electric vehicle (EV) charging and validate a first-of-its-kind technology with that hub: an open-source management system for optimizing charge time, cost, and energy sharing. The project connected DC chargers with battery energy storage, solar photovoltaics (PV), and building devices, and then showed that the resources can be orchestrated together for common charging and grid objectives. This work is part of the EVs@Scale Consortium and will enable a new generation of high-power charging experiments.

Learn more in the recent report.

Future Energy Infrastructure
Energy Storage
presenter showing data on a map

Flexible Charging Unifies the Grid and Transportation Sectors to Prepare for Electric Vehicles at Scale

Sponsor: VTO

To assess the charging demand of future EV adoption and determine the corresponding grid impacts, the NREL-led FUSE (Flexible charging to Unify the grid and transportation Sectors for Evs at scale) project team for the EVs@Scale Consortium is leveraging ARIES to conduct at-scale travel charging analyses and demonstrations of smart charge management and vehicle-grid integration strategies. This year, the team refined in-house controls, charging simulations, and a hardware test bed, which will then be used to demonstrate the real-world benefits of grid-transportation coordination.

Future Energy Infrastructure
Energy Storage
four people viewing data on video screens

ARIES Models and Simulates Homes Providing Flexibility to the Grid

Sponsor: BTO

Portland General Electric is interested in aggregating heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems, water heaters, battery energy storage, and EVs to supply flexibility to the grid in the DOE Connected Communities project SmartGrid Asset Load Management & Optimized Neighborhood (SALMON). To evaluate the controls that Portland General Electric will use for approximately 580 buildings, researchers modeled homes and developed a real-time simulation environment using ARIES. Next, they will deploy a commercial distributed energy resource management system at NREL with Portland General Electric's simulated network, showing how regular devices can amount to megawatts of grid flexibility.

Hybrid Energy Systems
person points to a device

ARIES Researchers Identify and Mitigate Cyber Risks of Clean Energy for Disadvantaged Communities

Sponsor: CESER

Researchers are working directly with communities and energy device manufacturers to understand and mitigate the cybersecurity threats affecting disadvantaged communities. In phase one of the project, the researchers gathered input and designed methodologies to address cybersecurity unknowns. They will apply their findings to the ARIES Cyber Range, allowing future projects to more realistically emulate risks for disadvantaged communities. The results will also be translated into a training course and analysis tool for utilities and other stakeholders.

person working on equipment

Partners and Projects Queue Up for Megawatt Electrolysis, Storage, and Fuel Cell Capability

Sponsor: HFTO

The recently commissioned megawatt-scale ARIES hydrogen capability is now actively being used for research projects, including dynamic response and hybrid power plants. A flagship use case for the new capability saw the 1.25-MW electrolyzer connected to a solar array, wind turbines, and the campus grid controller, such that the electrolyzer produced hydrogen dynamically to match the excess renewable energy production. The demonstration of advanced grid coupling of hydrogen technologies, including long-duration energy storage and low-temperature electrolysis, is a top priority to ultimately meet DOE's Hydrogen Shot goals of reducing the levelized cost of hydrogen.

Energy Storage

Fast-Fueling Protocol Validated With ARIES, Ready for Heavy-Duty Hydrogen Vehicles

Sponsor: HFTO

Researchers have used ARIES hydrogen fueling infrastructure to implement and validate an important fast-fueling protocol and develop a supporting heavy-duty hydrogen filling simulation model. The protocol is at the center of the heavy-duty hydrogen vehicle industry, and ARIES has made it possible for the first time to assess the protocol in real-world operations using industry-provided components. With industry partner Shell, researchers also demonstrated wireless communications between a vehicle and the station during fueling—another solution on the horizon for fast-fueling infrastructure.

Energy Storage

Addressing Utility Deployment Challenges

people standing outside a battery energy storage system

Utility's Hybrid Battery-Hydrogen Microgrid De-Risked With ARIES

Sponsor: Energy Vault

NREL researchers partnered with Energy Vault to deploy a 3.45-MW battery inverter, 3/3.3-MWh battery energy storage system, and 1.6-MW fuel cell inverter, showing how these resources work in tandem to support microgrid operation during public safety power system shutdowns. The project team ran multiple at-scale experiments using ARIES medium voltage equipment, and after successful evaluations, this equipment was moved to Calistoga, California for field deployment. Results showed that the battery inverter and fuel cell inverter operated as designed during lab evaluation, giving Energy Vault and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (observers) the confidence to replace 10 MW of diesel generation with this unique hybrid battery and hydrogen asset.

Energy Storage
graphic of stylized cloud with data flowing through

Cybersecurity Researchers Use ARIES Cyber Range to Evaluate Cloud Data Feasibility for Complex Energy Systems Capability

Sponsor: OCIO

To help utilities feel confident about cloud data from a resilience and cybersecurity perspective, an ARIES team is evaluating cloud-based energy systems management in the project CloudZero. Within the ARIES Cyber Range, they have federated the cloud by installing multiple cloud environments in a single computing environment. This allows partners to try their use cases, with several already underway, including load forecasting, system failover/recovery, and bulk electric system reliability.

Learn more on YouTube about how the ARIES Cyber Range is being used to secure the cloud for energy systems.

Future Energy Infrastructure
view of solar and wind facility

Florida Utility's Solar Ambitions Drive ARIES Experiments in Grid Stability of Renewable Energy

Sponsor: SETO

With an expected solar PV capacity of 25 gigawatts (GW) by 2032, Florida Power & Light has good reason to reassess the electrical stability of its future power system, and ARIES offers the unique capabilities to do so. Researchers used ARIES to validate a common solar inverter model against its real electrical response at the microsecond timescale. This ensures that the utility is using a trustable model and will not encounter unexpected instabilities. Similar projects with industry partners are just getting underway to prevent instabilities by demonstrating diverse control interactions between renewable energy assets.

Power Electronics

Capabilities and Buildout

ARIES comprises three pillars networked together to provide an interconnected and scalable research platform:

  • The Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF) offers advanced research capabilities supporting experiments with up to hundreds of research devices, power levels up to 2 MW, and voltage levels up to 13.2 kilovolts (kV).
  • The Flatirons Campus provides extensive hardware and simulation resources supporting experiments for thousands of research devices, power levels up to 20 MW, and voltage levels up to 34.5 kV.
  • The Virtual Emulation Environment is a sophisticated digital platform that can incorporate physical assets from the ESIF and Flatirons Campus to emulate millions of devices at any utility power and voltage level and from local to national scales.

Map is for illustrative purposes to show which capability goes with each ARIES pillar. It is not a diagram of the capability itself.

ESNet graphic

Select the dots to learn more about ARIES capabilities and buildouts.

SuperLab Mobilizes Remote Resources at Five National Labs

Developed in collaboration with: OE, SC, EERE, FECM and NE

Far from NREL's campus, a diverse set of resources contribute to ARIES: a nuclear simulator in Idaho, a microgrid battery in New Mexico, and many more assets throughout the United States. This is the SuperLab, a real-time link between lab capabilities to tackle the greatest national challenges. This year the labs demonstrated how the SuperLab can study grid disturbances by triggering resources to come online and recover power system stability.

ARIES Claims Largest R&D Cluster of Digital Real-Time Simulators Globally

Developed in collaboration with: NREL capital investment

Digital real-time simulators are essential to emulating power grids at any scale—from microgrids to large, interconnected regional systems. NREL now operates 24 clusters capable of real-time emulation across a spectrum of scenarios, from microgrid "building blocks" to regional-level transmission systems such as the Western Interconnection. These clusters are set to demonstrate interactions among thousands of power devices, showcasing robust, scalable simulation capacity for diverse grid configurations in FY 2025.

ARIES Cyber Range Adds New Computing and Emulation Capabilities

Developed in collaboration with: CESER and EERE

The ARIES Cyber Range—NREL's innovative cyber-physical modeling and simulation platform for deploying high-fidelity energy system environments at scale —has added more computing power and a prototype emulation library for streamlined system modeling. These additions all contribute to a cyber-physical platform that is faster to configure, easier to deploy, and more powerful for supporting the increasing scale and complexity of a rapidly evolving and more digital energy future.

New Energy Security and Resilience Lab Opens, Becomes Operations Center for the ARIES Cyber Range

Developed in collaboration with: NREL capital investment

A new laboratory is the security and resilience headquarters for ARIES. It leverages the ARIES Cyber Range to perform evidenced-based analyses that virtualize, emulate, and visualize grids under various disruption scenarios. The lab is customized for easy access by utilities, national labs, technology developers, and others to evaluate the energy security and resilience of our evolving energy systems using ARIES.

Utility Test Bed Supports Third-Party Software for Distributed Grid Management

Developed in collaboration with: OE, NREL capital investment

Utilities rely on the ARIES Advanced Distribution Management System Test Bed to model and simulate their operations, and now they can cosimulate scenarios using commercial vendor technologies. The latest additions to the Advanced Distribution Management System Test Bed allow integration with third-party software for microgrid, virtual power plant, and facility energy management. It will soon also simulate network communications for complex, many-device systems.

New Control Center Facility for Data Processing Almost Finished

Developed in collaboration with: NREL capital investment

A 9,000-ft², two-story control center will serve as the future data processing hub for microgrids and the controllable grid interface. The building's completion is expected in early 2025.

Quadrupled Capacity of Controllable Grid Interface Increases Volume of Projects

Developed in collaboration with: WETO, WPTO, SETO

The Controllable Grid Interface gives ARIES the ability to customize power flow and replicate real grids, and now it has expanded from 7 to 27 megavolt-amperes, among other improvements. The enhanced interface has been used in several projects, including its inaugural application: a dispatchable hybrid energy storage-synchronous condenser system.

Advanced Converters Are Prototyped Within New Medium-Voltage Platform

Developed in collaboration with: SETO and WETO

The ARIES Power Electronics Grid Interface has added a medium-voltage platform that is being used to demonstrate back-to-back converters, a lighter and more versatile type of grid transformer. "If we can do direct medium-voltage conversion, then we effectively can get rid of the transformer altogether." —Barry Mather

Direct Solar-to-DC Power Experiments Soon Possible With 2-MW PV Array

Developed in collaboration with: NREL capital investment, SETO

ARIES is commissioning a 2-MW solar PV array that will tie to direct current assets like the hydrogen electrolyzer. This will be useful for studying novel hybrid configurations, black starts, EV fast charging, and more.

Low-Temp Electrolysis Integrated With Grid and Renewables Is Now Possible at Realistic Scale

Developed in collaboration with: HFTO, NREL capital investment

With the successful commissioning and installation of a 1.25-MW electrolyzer, experiments to renewably generate hydrogen gas are already producing results. Once other assets are in place, the electrolyzer will operate directly with solar PV, wind turbines, and storage tanks for fully integrated hydrogen experiments.

High-Power Charging to Address Mobility and Storage Opportunities

Developed in collaboration with: VTO, NREL capital investment

Construction is underway for a high-power EV charging station where partners will evaluate megawatt-scale vehicle-grid designs. This capability will add to industry's knowledge around how behind-the-meter assets can provide storage, grid flexibility, and more.

ARIES Wind Research Will Enter New Era With 3.4-MW Turbine

Developed in collaboration with: WETO, NREL capital investment

A 3.4-MW turbine with a max tip height of 151 meters is coming to ARIES and will support research spanning industrial energy, grid integration, hybrid power plants, wind energy specific research and development (R&D) and much more. Alongside the current ARIES wind turbines, the incoming turbine will bring modern technology for forthcoming wind R&D.

Underground Hydrogen Storage Will Carve Out New Energy Pathways

Developed in collaboration with: HFTO

Natural gas blending, molecule building, and long-term energy storage: These are some of the new directions that a 10-ton hydrogen storage cavern in lined rock shaft will offer ARIES and its partners. Designs are complete and approvals are pending for this capability, which will launch the next chapter in hydrogen energy research.

Engagement and Outreach Highlights

person speaking to a group

Research Outcomes

peer-reviewed journal articles
high-impact publication
conference papers
technical reports
software records
records of invention
new patent

Looking Ahead

people on a tour

Approaching 5 years of uniquely impactful research, ARIES is ramping up to take on more work than ever. Demand for our capabilities is growing—evidenced by the number and diversity of new projects—and those projects have an edge of urgency: They are about adapting to extreme weather, bolstering cybersecurity, and addressing the needs of energy intense industrial applications.

We are meeting increased demand with exactly what our partners need: higher power capacity, a wider variety of resources, more complex interconnections, precise models, and expert knowledge. With these ingredients, and the caliber of projects in the queue, it is truly exciting to see what's next. Some of the most exciting examples are our support for smaller communities.

Community Clean Energy Goals

Through the DOE Clean Energy to Communities (C2C) program, local groups get assistance with their clean energy goals, and ARIES is often central to discovering their approach. Two in-depth partnerships are evaluating renewable generation in remote Sitka, Alaska, and Molokai, Hawaii, while Colorado Springs, Colorado is leveraging ARIES for microgrid and EV integration. Another cohort selection is underway.

Microgrid Development in Underserved and Indigenous Areas

ARIES will support seven microgrid projects as part of an OE award to support microgrid solutions in underserved and indigenous communities. These projects will include workforce training, vendor-agnostic controllers, and software standardization—all important directions to strengthen resilience and access to replicable microgrid solutions in communities that are least equipped.

Threat-Informed Operational Collaboration and Collective Defense

The DOE Energy Threat Analysis Center (ETAC) convenes experts from the federal government, the U.S. energy sector, and the national laboratories to secure critical infrastructure against threats. Using the ARIES Cyber Range, NREL researchers will integrate hardware-in-the-loop assets with emulated reference architecture environments to strengthen the collective defense, response, and resilience of the U.S. energy sector. The Energy Threat Analysis Center leverages the range to quantify power system cybersecurity and resilience metrics across multilayered architectures surrounding cyber, physical, and human factors.

Rental Fleet Electrification Demo

ARIES will be used to emulate a fleet of electric rental cars in the project ATHENA ZEV, aims to help airports electrify their infrastructure. The demonstration will establish an integrated research environment to validate rental car charging scenarios with real hardware and emulated traffic flow along with the integration of solar and storage. Partners within the Athena project and beyond will be able to apply the setup and findings to their own zero-emissions efforts to prove out technology before it is deployed.

Jennifer Kurtz

Message From ARIES Leadership Team Member

"When ARIES was launched in 2020, we had a strong vision and purpose for this research platform—to study energy solutions at a large scale. Since then, a steady growth in research and capital investment has brought new hardware and expanded abilities to ARIES. Remarkably, it is a place where such distinct systems as quantum computing, demand side for buildings and transportation, and hydropower emulation, are all contributing to the same integrated energy systems research platform.

As we lay connections between assets new and old, the vision we first had of a complex energy system research platform that makes energy more available, affordable, and resilient, feels much closer. We can use the platform to validate solutions for modernizing our energy infrastructure with cutting-edge hybrid power plants, million-node distribution management, and integrated demands such as in energy-intense industries like data centers. More than before, we can replicate the opportunities ahead for energy systems, and we are settling into that vision with a host of exciting projects and new partners."

Jennifer Kurtz, Ph.D.
ARIES Research Director

NREL works with organizations—large and small—to help stakeholders accelerate the implementation of energy technologies. You can partner with ARIES to de-risk technology solutions for a secure, affordable, and resilient future energy system. Watch for opportunities to work with us on the ARIES webpage or email us at [email protected] to discuss your project.

Advisory Committees

ARIES Steering Committee

The ARIES steering committee comprises DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) and NREL executive leadership. This committee meets biannually and has oversight of and responsibility for ARIES R&D management, research impacts, and financial and business practices.

Steering Committee Members

U.S. Department of Energy

  • Alejandro Moreno
    Associate Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
  • Michael Berube
    Deputy Assistant Secretary for Sustainable Transportation and Fuels
  • Christy Cooper
    Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations
  • Becca Jones-Albertus
    Deputy Assistant Secretary for Renewable Energy (Acting)
  • Marlys Kinsey
    Director of the Golden Field Office (Acting)
  • Kevin Lynn
    ARIES Lead and Director of Grid Modernization
  • Carolyn Snyder
    Deputy Assistant Secretary for Buildings and Industry

ARIES External Advisory Board

The ARIES external advisory board provides an external perspective from industry, academia, and other government agencies/programs to NREL, DOE, and EERE on the research direction; research, development, and demonstration gaps that ARIES should address; and the development and deployment of the ARIES research platform.

  • Chair: Gary Smyth
    Executive Director, Global R&D Laboratories
    General Motors (retired)
  • Jeffrey Baumgartner
    Senior Advisor
    Berkshire Hathaway Energy
  • Colton Ching
    Senior Vice President, Planning and Technology
    Hawaiian Electric Company
  • Elizabeth Endler
    Chief Scientist
  • Lauren Faber O'Connor
    Operating Partner
    Lowercarbon Capital
  • Paula R. Glover
    Alliance to Save Energy
  • Christopher Herbst
    Vice President, Strategic Partnerships and Innovation
  • Robert Horton
    Vice President, Environmental Affairs
    Dallas-Fort Worth Airport
  • Alice K. Jackson
    Senior Vice President, System Strategy and Chief Planning Officer
    Xcel Energy
  • Adrienne Lotto
    Senior Vice President of Grid Security, Technical & Operations Services
    American Public Power Association
  • Danielle W. Merfeld
    Chief Technology Officer
  • Teresa R. Pohlman
    Executive Director, Sustainability and Environmental Programs
    U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  • Ronald M. Sega
    U.S. Department of Defense
  • Timothy D. Unruh
    Executive Director
    National Association of Energy Service Companies
  • Evan Wolff
    Crowell and Moring LLP


  • Peter Green
    Deputy Laboratory Director, Science and Technology
  • Johney Green
    Associate Laboratory Director
  • Juan Torres
    Associate Laboratory Director
  • Jennifer Kurtz
    ARIES Research Director and Center Director
  • Jerry Davis
    ESIF and ARIES Laboratory Program Manager
  • Rob Hovsapian
    Senior ARIES Research Advisor
  • Matthew Thornton
    Senior ARIES Research Advisor

Special thanks to:

Dane Christensen, Steve Hammond, Jordan Henry, Matt Keyser, Jennifer King, Daniel Laird, Barry Mather, Jibonananda Sanyal, and Josh Schaidle

Laboratory program managers, operations team, communications leads, executive assistants, project managers, partnerships development team, finance leads, and subject matter experts.

report cover


Download ARIES Fiscal Year 2024 accomplishments.



Last Updated March 12, 2025