ESIF Stewardship Summary 2024
The Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF) is one of the only laboratories in the world for studying large, distributed energy systems.
In 2024, the ESIF and NREL's larger research platform for Advanced Research on Integrated Energy Systems (ARIES) delivered important research and innovation. We expanded our research capabilities for energy security and resilience as we developed a new toolbox for power electronics, completed a 1-MW demonstration of grid-forming inverters, and collaborated with utilities, manufacturers, and communities to solve their pressing questions. This report illustrates how the ESIF's activities and capabilities continue to lead our nation in the development of resilient and affordable energy systems.
Juan Torres, Associate Laboratory Director
Jerry Davis, Laboratory Program Manager
Chad Blake, Research Operations Director
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Facility Metrics at a Glance
R&D Impact

Experiments Reveal the Effect of Iridium on Electrolyzer Performance
Iridium is a critical material for widespread development and deployment of polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolysis cells. Through a combination of long duration cell testing, ex-situ electrochemical measurements, advanced microscopy, and other experiments, researchers quantified the rate of performance loss and movement of iridium in PEM electrolyzers. This research advances cost effectiveness of producing clean hydrogen.
Sponsor: DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office H2NEW Consortium
ESIF resource: Hydrogen production

Innovation Prize Goes to Technologies Enabling Affordable Electrification
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) awarded $2.4 million to companies who presented promising solutions to more affordable and quick-to-install building electrification retrofits well suited for low-income communities, multifamily homes, mobile homes, and older homes. Two teams—B&B Technologies and the partners Redwood Energy and NeoCharge—used the prize to validate their solutions at the ESIF with support from researchers who specialize in optimizing energy use in homes. The experiments helped the winners of the Equitable and Affordable Solutions to Electrification (EAS-E) Prize prepare for field demonstrations and real-world integration.
Sponsor: DOE Building Technologies Office
ESIF resource: Systems Performance Laboratory

Feeder-Level Controls Can Simplify Utility Operations and Supply Power in Emergencies
The project Solar Energy CommUnity REsiliency (SECURE) will result in decentralized microgrid controls that utilities can deploy to benefit community resilience and simplify operations. With partners that include hardware and software developers and utilities, NREL researchers are evaluating how a hardware controller can coordinate grid-forming solar PV inverters to be a source of resilience. The researchers are gearing up the ESIF to show how the controller relieves utility operators of feeder-level management, and reserves power for emergency response.
Sponsor: DOE Solar Energy Technologies Office
ESIF resource: Power Systems Integration Laboratory, grid simulator, load banks, microgrid switch, DC emulator, and real-time digital simulator

Federated Grid Simulation With Utility Partner Will Show Advantages of New Control Architecture
An NREL control architecture could herald a new direction for distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS). The Federated Architecture for Secure and Transactive DERMS (FAST-DERMS) controls will provide a scalable solution to manage uncertain supply and demand, and to aggregate distributed resources. The NREL team worked with Southern Company to simulate how FAST-DERMS could control the utility's nine solar PV systems for better flexibility.
Sponsor: DOE Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium and the Building Technologies Office
ESIF resource: Advanced Distribution Management Systems (ADMS) Test Bed

Self-Healing Grid Model Automates Power Restoration
NREL researchers are making important strides toward automating power system restoration in intelligent distribution grids. With utility and industry partners, the team developed and demonstrated their automated model, which allows customers to participate in restoration decisions, and can more quickly restore power without having to wait for infrastructure repairs. The technology is planned to be integrated by industry partner Survalent into their grid management products.
Sponsor: DOE Office of Electricity
ESIF resource: ADMS Test Bed

Cyber Experts Unite to Defend Energy Infrastructure
The DOE Energy Threat Analysis Center (ETAC) convenes experts from the federal government, the U.S. energy sector, and the national laboratories to secure critical infrastructure against threats. Using the ARIES Cyber Range, NREL researchers modeled representative power system networks and tested them against cyber attacks to validate and mature ETAC threat hunting guides. ETAC leverages the range to quantify power system cybersecurity and resilience metrics across multilayered architecture surrounding cyber, physical, and human factors.
Sponsor: DOE Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response
ESIF resource: ARIES Cyber Range

Researchers Develop Promising Energy- and Cost-Efficient CO₂ Conversion Pathway
NREL researchers produced a promising CO₂ conversion pathway to formic acid, a premium carbon intermediate with a wide range of chemical and biomanufacturing applications. The researchers manufactured a perforated cation exchange membrane that analysis revealed provides energy efficiency and durability in CO₂ conversion while using renewable electricity.
Sponsor: DOE Bioenergy Technologies Office
ESIF resource: Electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction test station

NREL Model Supports Power Quality Requirements for Electric Vehicle Chargers
The charging infrastructure necessary to support electric vehicles must ensure safe and reliable connection to the grid. Researchers in the ESIF modeled a way for charging equipment to autonomously adjust operations based on the local electrical power grid's frequency. NREL seeks to work with standards development organization SAE International to use this research for SAE J2894, a consensus on power quality requirements across equipment manufacturers, vehicle manufacturers, electric utilities, and others.
Sponsor: DOE Vehicle Technologies Office Electric Vehicles at Scale Consortium
ESIF resource: Electric Vehicle Research Infrastructure
Capability Expansions

Partnerships and Engagement

As a DOE-designated user facility, the ESIF partners with industry, academia, nonprofits, and federal, Tribal, local, and state agencies (see the full list below) to advance their pressing research questions and energy goals. The non-competitive environment also makes ESIF the ideal host for various consortia and technology incubators. More than 500 tours visited the facility in 2024 including the director of the DOE Office of Science, the assistant secretary for the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, the director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the DOE under secretary for infrastructure, the chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and the Future Caucus congressional delegation. International ministers came from Azerbaijan, Laos, India, Israel, Chile, Denmark, Iceland, and more.
Knowledge Sharing
Looking Ahead
Industry and Nonprofit Partners
- 1s1 Energy
- 3M
- Analog Devices
- Asimily
- B&B Technologies
- Bekaert
- Berkshire Hathaway Energy
- BioSIPs
- California Air Resources Board
- Carrier
- CharIN
- Chemours
- Chevron
- Colorado Earth
- Core Power
- Cummins
- Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) International Airport
- Dioxide
- Duke Energy
- Eaton
- Electric Hydrogen
- Electrical Grid Monitoring
- Electricore
- Element One
- Emerson
- Energy Vault
- Eonti
- Florida Power and Light
- Fortescue
- Gas Technology Institute
- GE
- Giner
- Golden Valley Electric Association
- Hawaiian Electric
- Homerun Resources
- HPlus
- Hyundai
- Indrio Technologies
- Latimer Controls
- Lubrizol
- Nel Hydrogen
- NeoCharge
- Newmont
- North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation
- Opus 12
- pH Matter
- Plug Power
- Precise Systems
- Redwood Energy
- Resonant Link
- RunZero
- San Diego Gas and Electric
- Schaeffler
- Shell
- Shift Thermal
- Solid Power
- Southern California Gas Company
- Spirae
- TCPoly
- Total Energies
- Twelve
- UL
- Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
- Verne
- Versogen
- W.L. Gore
- Xcel Energy
DOE Partners
- Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office
- Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
- Bioenergy Technologies Office
- Buildings Technologies Office
- Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response
- Federal Energy Management Program
- Grid Modernization Initiative
- Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office
- Office of Electricity
- Office of Science
- Renewable Energy Grid Integration
- Strategic Programs
- Solar Energy Technologies Office
- Vehicle Technologies Office
- Water Power Technologies Office
- Wind Energy Technologies Office
Federal Partners
- U.S. Department of Defense
- Federal Aviation Administration
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Academic Partners
- Cornell University
- Iowa State University
- Oakland University
- Rice University
- University of Delaware
- University of Georgia
- University of Oklahoma
Technical Outputs and Publications
ESIF-Powered Inventions: Among the patents earned by researchers in 2024 is a technology for photovoltaic windows, materials for stabilizing semiconductors, an improvement for heating buildings efficiently, and an unconventional method of making a perovskite that addresses a problem with the efficiency of solar cells.
Top 10 Most Downloaded Publications
- Introduction to Grid Forming Inverters: A Key to Transforming our Power Grid (presentation)
- UNIFI Specifications for Grid-Forming Inverter-Based Resources: Version 2 (presentation)
- High-Power Electric Vehicle Charging Hub Integration Platform (eCHIP)
- Clean Hydrogen Production R&D at NREL (presentation)
- Peak Demand Management and Voltage Regulation Using Coordinated Virtual Power Plant Controls
- Effects of Trigger Method on Fire Propagation During the Thermal Runaway Process in Li-Ion Batteries
- Grid Strength Analysis for Integrating 30 GW of Offshore Wind Generation by 2030 in the U.S. Eastern Interconnection: Preprint
- Solar, Wind, and Load Forecasting Dataset for MISO, NYISO, and SPP Balancing Areas
- Droop Control-Based Dispatch of an Islanded Microgrid With Multiple Grid-Forming Sources: Preprint
- Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Reliability, Resilience, and Location on Electric Vehicle Adoption

Publications Recognized for Excellence: The Power System Operation, Planning and Economics Committee of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Power and Energy Society awarded their annual committee prize to ESIF power systems researchers for their article on a synchronized simulation of the transmission and distribution network to stabilize system frequency. The research team supporting the ADMS Test Bed authored an evaluation of three ADMS use cases that was recently named the best paper of 2022 by the Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy.

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Last Updated Jan. 30, 2025