Reminder of Eagle Data Storage Policies for FY23 projects that ended on 9/30/2023

Jan. 2, 2024

Eagle usage policies can be found at:

Users are always strongly encouraged to remove any data on Eaglefs that is not needed, to benefit other users of this shared resource. Eaglefs consists of /shared-projects, /datasets, /scratch and /projects.

In summary, data in /projects for allocations that ended on 9/30/2023 will be purged after 12/31/2023.

Users may continue to log in to HPC systems for a period of 3 months after the project enters the Expired state to move relevant data off of HPC primary storage (primarily /projects/<project_handle>) to another storage location. The ability to write new data to /projects has been disabled for those projects that have expired. Instructions on how to archive data using AWS MSS (Mass Storage System) can be found here.

Users may continue to request MSS files that have been archived, for a period of 15 months after the files have been initially archived.

It's important to note that an active allocation on Kestrel does not guarantee an active allocation on Eagle. Please use Lex to check if you have an active allocation on Eagle.

