H2A: Hydrogen Analysis Production Models

The Hydrogen Analysis (H2A) hydrogen production models and case studies provide transparent reporting of process design assumptions and a consistent cost analysis methodology for hydrogen production at central and distributed (forecourt/filling-station) facilities.
The H2A central and distributed hydrogen production technology case studies, blank model cases, and documentation are available for free. NREL develops and maintains these models with support from the U.S. Department of Energy Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office.
Required input to the models includes capital and operating costs for the hydrogen production process, fuel type and use, and financial parameters such as the type of financing, plant life, and desired internal rate of return. The models include default values, developed by the H2A team, for many of the input parameters, but users may also enter their own values. The models use a standard discounted cash flow rate of return analysis methodology to determine the hydrogen selling cost for the desired internal rate of return.
For a more convenient, high-level techno-economic view of select hydrogen production technologies, use our H2A-Lite model.
Case Studies
The H2A case studies are technology-specific versions of the base models developed by members of the H2A team with expertise in design and advancement of these technologies. These files contain macros necessary for hydrogen price calculation. Make sure macro use is allowed in Excel. If you have difficulty opening these Excel files through your browser, please contact the webmaster.
Current Central Hydrogen Production from Solid Oxide Electrolysis version Nov 2020
Future Central Hydrogen Production from Solid Oxide Electrolysis version Nov 2020
Future Central Hydrogen Production from PEM Electrolysis (2019) version Nov 2020
View supporting documentation for the PEM and solid oxide electrolysis case studies.
User Guide
H2A Hydrogen Production Model: Version 3.2018 User Guide (DRAFT)
Case Study Documentation
Supporting documentation about model development, analysis parameters, and results is available for some of the case studies.
Central Solid Oxide Electrolysis
Central and Distributed Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electrolysis
PEM Electrolysis H2A Production Case Study Documentation
DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Record 19009: Hydrogen Production Cost from PEM Electrolysis
Hydrogen Pathways Analysis for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Electrolysis, 2014 Annual Merit Review Proceedings
Blank Model Cases
Blank versions of the central and distributed production models that contain no pre-populated capital inputs are also available for download.
H2A Central Hydrogen Production Model version 3.2018
H2A Current Distributed Hydrogen Production Model version 3.2018
Version History
Version 3.2018 of the models was released in 2018 and includes the following updates and corrections:
- Updated plant start dates: current technology to 2015 and future technologies to 2040.
- Updated energy feedstock costs with AEO 2017 case. Costs were extrapolated beyond AEO forecast window using GCAM.
- Changed reference year dollars to 2016$.
- Updated emissions factors with GREET 2015 values.
- Updated distributed hydrogen production cases to comply with HDSAM updated parameters for hydrogen refueling stations.
- Updated price indexes for GDP deflator, plant cost, labor cost, and chemical price until 2016.
- Updated carbon sequestration techno-economic assessment.
- Updated federal tax rate to 21%.
Updated cost of capital parameters: 40% equity financing, constant outstanding debt, 3.7% interest rate, 8% real after-tax internal rate of return.
For more version history and to download previous versions, see the H2A model archives.
Technical Support
Send questions or feedback to [email protected].
Last Updated Feb. 6, 2025