H2FAST: Hydrogen Financial Analysis Scenario Tool

The Hydrogen Financial Analysis Scenario Tool, H2FAST, provides a quick and convenient in-depth financial analysis for hydrogen and nonhydrogen systems and services.
H2FAST is available as a downloadable Excel spreadsheet. The model uses a generally accepted accounting principles analysis framework and provides annual projections of income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets. H2FAST allows users to generate a side-by-side scenario analysis, where a base system can be tested by varying key operating or financing parameters. Detailed capital structure, taxation, and incentives are included. The model has built-in risk analysis allowing impact assessment of parameters bearing user-specified uncertainty ranges. Financial articulation is presented in graphical and tabular format for the user-specified analysis period. The model is self-documented, with embedded help functions and annotation of input parameters.
Note: The model is also flexible for providing analysis for International Financial Reporting Standards by adjusting inputs for compliance with their rules.
The H2FAST framework has been used for analysis of a variety of systems, e.g., retail hydrogen refueling stations with incentives analysis, ammonia production, methane pyrolysis, seasonal energy storage, hydrogen fleet operations, electric vehicle charging with time of use rate structures, combined heat and power systems, hydrogen production pathways, and hydrogen transmission and distribution. The example cases available for download are intended to demonstrate model functionality and should be populated with user-specific analysis values such as CapEx, OpEx, and capital structure.
Register To Download H2FAST Grid Electrolysis Example
This H2FAST case provides an example analysis of grid electrolysis.
Register To Download ProFAST
The H2FAST model is also available on the Python platform. This model has identical mathematical functionality as the Excel-based H2FAST and allows users to interface with the financial framework with greater computational efficiency.
Register and Download Legacy H2FAST Generic Hydrogen Refueling Station Example
This legacy H2FAST case provides an example analysis of a heavy-duty, 10,000 kg/day hydrogen fueling station.
Register and Download Legacy H2FAST Generic Renewable Ammonia Production Example
This legacy H2FAST case provides an example analysis of off-shore wind use for ammonia production with grid interconnection and off-take of oxygen. It also includes example incentives scenarios with production tax credit and capital grants.
Introduction to NREL's H2FAST Model
Overview of NREL's H2FAST Model
Time series visualization (2 minutes)
Price taker vs. price setter modes (4 minutes)
Report tables (1 minute)
Built-in help (2 minutes)
Primary commodity specification (2 minutes)
Sales specification section (7 minutes)
Incentive specification section (11 minutes)
Capital expenses specification (8 minutes)
Usage of energy and non-energy feedstock, waste, variable OpEx (3 minutes)
Generation of co-products (2 minutes)
Cost of energy and non-energy feedstock, waste, variable OpEx (5 minutes)
Prices of co-products (2 minutes)
Other operating expenses and refurbishments (7 minutes)
Financing, taxation, liquidity (13 minutes)
Scenario analysis example (7 minutes)
Degradation and refurbishment example (5 minutes)
Technical Support
Send questions or feedback to [email protected].
Last Updated Feb. 6, 2025