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Combined Heat and Power

NREL is helping advance technologies and informing deployment strategies for standard and hybrid combined heat and power (CHP) systems, which can pave the way for accelerated deployment in manufacturing and other applications.

A photo of large metal pipes next to skylights on a roof.


NREL supports advanced manufacturing through CHP-related capabilities and projects.

The sun peaks through a power grid system, casting shadows on the ground.

Modeling Advanced Combined Heat and Power

NREL leads a multiorganization analysis of the impacts of advanced, flexible CHP on the electric power grid, providing information critical to successfully implementing CHP technologies.

The logo for the REopt tool with a circular emblem, with a blue and orange color scheme.


NREL incorporated CHP technologies into the free, publicly available REopt® web tool to enable analysis of CHP and allow users to quantify the economic, environmental, and resilience benefits of hybrid CHP. The REopt  optimization tool is designed to help guide investment decisions in economic and resilient energy technologies, including solar, energy storage, small wind, and diesel technologies.


Last Updated Dec. 31, 2024