Data and Tools - Alphabetical Listing
Browse the full collection of data sets, maps, models, and tools available on for the analysis of energy and energy-efficiency technologies.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
ADOPT: Automotive Deployment Options Projection Tool
AGILE: Autonomous Grids – Identification, Learning, and Estimation
ALFABET: A Machine Learning-Derived, Fast, Accurate Bond Dissociation Enthalpy Tool
ALTRIOS: Advanced Locomotive Technology and Rail Infrastructure Optimization System
Annual Technology Baseline and Standard Scenarios
B2U: Battery Second-Use Repurposing Cost Calculator
Battery Microstructures Library
Battery Second-Use Repurposing Cost Calculator
BEopt™: Building Energy Optimization
BESTEST-EX: Building Energy Simulation Test for Existing Homes
Biomass Compositional Analysis
Biomass Resource Data and Maps
BLAST: Battery Lifetime Analysis and Simulation Tool Suite
BMS: Baseline Measurement System
Broadband Outdoor Radiometer Calibrations
CELAVI: Circular Economy Lifecycle Assessment and Visualization Framework
Circumsolar Radiation Data: The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Reduced Data Base
Closed-Loop Pumped Storage Hydropower Supply Curves
Comparative PV Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) Calculator
Computational Database for Active Layer Materials for Organic Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Concentrating Solar Power Projects
Concentrating Solar Resource of the Southwest United States
CONFRRM: Cooperative Networks for Renewable Resource Measurements
Cooperative Networks for Renewable Resource Measurements Solar Energy Resource Data
CREST: Cost of Renewable Energy Spreadsheet Tool
Distributed Energy Resource Cybersecurity Framework
Distributed Generation Market Demand Model
DriveCAT: Drive Cycle Analysis Tool
DRIVE™: Drive-Cycle Rapid Investigation, Visualization, and Evaluation
dsgrid: Demand-Side Grid Model
Early Fuel Cell Market Demonstration Composite Data Products
Eastern and Western Wind Integration Data Sets
Economic Feasibility for CO₂ Utilization Data Visualization Tool
EMIS: Energy Management Information Systems
End-Use Load Profiles for the U.S. Building Stock
EVI-DiST: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Distribution System Integration Tool
EVI-EDGES: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure - Enabling Distributed Generation Energy Storage
EVI-EnSite: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Energy Estimation and Site Optimization Tool
EVI-Equity: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure for Equity Model
EVI-FAST: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Financial Analysis Scenario Tool
EVI-InMotion: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure — In Motion Tool
EVI-Pro: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure — Projection Tool
EVI-Rental: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Rental Car Tool
EVI-RoadTrip: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure for Road Trips
EVI-X Modeling Suite of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Analysis Tools
FASTSim™: Future Automotive Systems Technology Simulator
Federal Energy Management Program Screening Map
FESTIV: Flexible Energy Scheduling Tool for Integrating Variable Generation
Fleet DNA: Commercial Fleet Vehicle Operating Data
FleetREDI: Fleet Research, Energy Data, and Insights
FLORIS: FLOw Redirection and Induction in Steady State
Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Composite Data Products
Fuel Cell System Contaminants Material Screening Tool
Fuel Cell Technology Status Composite Data Products
Geothermal Policymakers' Guidebook
Geothermal Resource Data and Maps
H2A: Hydrogen Analysis Production Models
H2A-Lite: Hydrogen Analysis Lite Production Model
H2FAST: Hydrogen Financial Analysis Scenario Tool
H2FillS: Hydrogen Filling Simulation Tool
HARP_Opt: Horizontal Axis Rotor Performance Optimization
HEM: Holistic Electricity Model
High Throughput Experimental Materials Database
Historically Black Colleges and Universities Solar Radiation Monitoring Network
HIVE: Highly Integrated Vehicle Ecosystem Simulation Framework
HyDRA: Hydrogen Demand and Resource Analysis
Hydrogen Resource Data and Maps
International Biomass Resource Assessments
JEDI: Jobs and Economic Development Impact Models
Levelized Cost of Energy Calculator
LIBRA: Lithium-Ion Battery Resource Assessment Model
Lithium-Ion Battery Secondary Pore Network Design Optimization Analytical Diffusion Model
Lithium-Ion Battery Supply Chain Database
MAP++: Mooring Analysis Program
Marine and Hydrokinetic Resource Data and Maps
MATBOX: Microstructure Analysis Toolbox
Measurement and Instrumentation Data Center
MEP: Mobility Energy Productivity Tool
MFI: Materials Flows through Industry
MIDAS: Multi-Timescale Integrated Dynamic and Scheduling Framework
NASA Remote Sensing Validation Data: Saudi Arabia
National Fuel Cell Technology Evaluation Center
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Solar Data
National Residential Efficiency Measures Database
National Solar Radiation Database
National Wind Technology Center 135-m Meteorological Towers Data Repository
Next Generation Hydrogen Station Composite Data Products: All Stations
Next Generation Hydrogen Station Composite Data Products: Retail Stations
OCHRE™: Object-Oriented Controllable High-Resolution Residential Energy Model
Open EI®: Open Energy Information
OpenOA: Open Operational Assessment
OpenPATH: Open Platform for Agile Trip Heuristics
Photovoltaic Bifacial Irradiance and Performance Modeling Toolkit
Photovoltaic Module Soiling Map
PRAS: Probabilistic Resource Adequacy Suite
PRECISE: PREconfiguring and Controlling Inverter SEt-points
PREESAT: Puerto Rico Energy Efficiency Scenario Analysis Tool
PV ICE: Photovoltaics in the Circular Economy Tool
RAPID Toolkit™: Regulatory and Permitting Information Desktop Toolkit
ReEDS: Regional Energy Deployment System Model
Renewable Energy Data Explorer
REopt™: Renewable Energy Integration and Optimization
REV: Renewable Energy Potential Model
RouteE: Route Energy Prediction Modeling Tools
RTS-GMLC: Reliability Test System–Grid Modernization Lab Consortium
SAMPA: Solar and Moon Position Algorithm
SEDS: Stochastic Energy Deployment System
SERA: Scenario Evaluation, Regionalization, and Analysis Model
SIND Toolkit: Solar Integration National Dataset
SLOPE: State and Local Planning for Energy
Smart-DS: Synthetic Models for Advanced, Realistic Testing: Distribution Systems
SMARTS: Simple Model of the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer or Sunshine
Solar Energy Meteorological Research and Training Sites Data
Solar Integration National Dataset Toolkit
SolarPILOT™: Solar Power Tower Integrated Layout and Optimization Tool
Solar Power Data for Integration Studies
Solar Resource Data, Tools, and Maps
Solar Resource Variability Data
Solid Biomass Resource and Biogas Maps
SOWFA: Simulator for Wind Farm Applications
SPA™: Solar Position Algorithm
Spectral Solar Radiation Data Base
Standard Contracts and Securitization Resources
Standard Work Specifications Tool
Stationary Fuel Cell System Composite Data Products
StoreFAST: Storage Financial Analysis Scenario Tool
Sup3rCC: Super-Resolution for Renewable Energy Resource Data With Climate Change Impacts
SWERA: Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment Model
T3CO: Transportation Technology Total Cost of Ownership
Technology Performance Level Assessment: Wave Energy Converters
TEMPO: Transportation Energy & Mobility Pathway Options Model
Test Case Repository for High Renewable Study
Thin-Film Solar Cell Current Voltage and Time-Resolved Photoluminescence Simulation Model
Transportation Secure Data Center
URBANopt™: Urban Renewable Building And Neighborhood optimization
U.S. Life Cycle Inventory Database
West Associates Solar Monitoring Network Data
WESyS: Waste-to-Energy System Simulation Model