Power Electronics Grid Interface Industry Workshop
NREL's Power Electronic Grid Interface (PEGI) Industry Workshop, held May 24–25, 2023, focused on grid-scale integration of power electronics, where participants were introduced to the Power Electronics Grid Interface Platform.
Power Electronic Grid Interface (PEGI) Industry Workshop 2023 participants at the
National Renewable Energy Laboratory's Flatirons Campus.

Power Electronic Grid Interface (PEGI) Industry Workshop 2023 demonstration.
Guohui Yuan, Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office
Inverter-Based Resources: Challenges and Opportunities
Kelsey Horowitz, AES Corporation
Renewables Integration for 85% Carbon Emissions Reduction by 2030 and Beyond
Hari Singh, Xcel Energy
Advanced Research on Integrated Energy Systems
Jerry Davis, NREL
Scope and Experiences With High Penetration Inverter-Based Resources
Richard Vetter, Kaua’i Island Utility Cooperative
Overview of Grid Planning With High Penetration of Inverter-Based Resources
Sun Wook Kang, Electric Reliability Council of Texas
DynaShape: Dynamic Shaping of Grid Response With Inverters
Bala Kameshwar Poolla, NREL