MATLAB Software Versions and Licenses for the Eagle System

Learn about the MATLAB software versions and licenses available for the Eagle system.


The latest version available on Eagle is R2020a.  


MATLAB is proprietary software. As such, users have access to a limited number of licenses both for the base MATLAB software as well as some specialized toolboxes.

To see which toolboxes are available, regardless of how they are licensed, start an interactive MATLAB session and run:

>> ver

For a comprehensive list of the MATLAB-related licenses available on Eagle (including those not under active maintenance, such as the Database Toolbox), as well as their current availability, run the following terminal command:

$ lmstat.matlab

Among other things, you should see the following:

Feature usage info:

Users of MATLAB: (Total of 6 licenses issued; Total of ... licenses in use)

Users of Compiler: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of ... licenses in use)

Users of Distrib_Computing_Toolbox: (Total of 4 licenses issued; Total of ... licenses in use)

Users of MATLAB_Distrib_Comp_Engine: (Total of 16 licenses issued; Total of ... licenses in use)

This documentation only covers the base MATLAB package and the Parallel Computing Toolbox, which check out the "MATLAB" and "Distrib_Computing_Toolbox" licenses, respectively.
