Smith and Navistar Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Vehicle Evaluations

NREL is collecting and analyzing performance data on electric and plug-in hybrid electric
vehicles operated by a variety of companies in diverse climates across the nation.
Photo courtesy of Smith Electric Vehicles
NREL conducts performance evaluations of electric and plug-in hybrid electric drive systems in medium-duty trucks operating in fleet service across the nation.
U.S. companies agreeing to participate in this evaluation project received funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to cover part of the purchase cost of the vehicles. These ARRA-funded vehicle deployment efforts are designed to help commercialize electric vehicles and the electric charging infrastructure.
NREL has collected and analyzed operating data from more than 450 Smith Newton and 100 Navistar eStar electric vehicles that together generated more than 3.5 million miles worth of driving data and 1 million hours of charging data.
NREL publishes unbiased technical reports about the performance of these vehicles.
Smith Newton Vehicle Performance Evaluations (Gen 2)
- Cumulative Report: January 2013 – September 2014
- Quarterly Report: January 2014 – March 2014
- Annual Report: January 2013 – December 2013
Smith Newton Vehicle Performance Evaluations (Gen 1)
- Cumulative Report: November 2011– June 2014
- Quarterly Report: January 2014 – March 2014
- Quarterly Report: October 2013–December 2013
- Quarterly Report: July 2013 – September 2013
- Quarterly Report: April 2013 – June 2013
- Quarterly Report: January 2013 – March 2013
- Quarterly Report: October 2012 – December 2012
- Quarterly Report: July 2012 – September 2012
- Quarterly Report: April 2012 – June 2012
- Quarterly Report: January 2012 – March 2012
- Quarterly Report: October 2011 – December 2011
Navistar eStar Vehicle Performance Evaluations
- Cumulative Report: July 2012 – June 2014
- Quarterly Report: January 2014 – March 2014
- Quarterly Report: October 2013 – December 2013
- Quarterly Report: July 2013 – September 2013
- Quarterly Report: April 2013 – June 2013
- Quarterly Report: January 2013 – March 2013
- Quarterly Report: October 2012 – December 2012
- Quarterly Report: July 2012 – September 2012
Cross-Cutting Publications
- Statistical Characterization of Medium-Duty Electric Vehicle Drive Cycles (poster)
- Statistical Characterization of Medium-Duty Electric Vehicle Drive Cycles (conference paper)
- Characterization of In-Use Medium-Duty Electric Vehicle Driving and Charging Behavior
How to Cite the Data
Publications that use this vehicle evaluation data should include a citation with the following information, as applicable:
Smith Newton Vehicle Performance Evaluation. (2015). National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Navistar eStar Vehicle Performance Evaluation. (2015). National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
If you use this data in a publication, please notify Robert Prohaska so we can gauge the reach of the data.
More Information
Visit the Alternative Fuels Data Center to learn more about the deployment of hybrid and plug-in electric vehicles, including an interactive U.S. map of transportation electrification projects.